Martes, Setyembre 1, 2015

Healthy Eating 101: Snackable Tips for Busy Moms

Teaching children healthier eating habits is not only essential to their growth, but lays the foundation for a lifetime of smart choices. Back to school is a great time to start fresh and instill good habits in your kids for today, tomorrow, and beyond. Hormel® Natural Choice® makes it easy with these creative, bite-size tips for success.

1. Encourage a Young Chef
Sit down each week and create a menu with your kids, allowing them to be a part of the decision-making process. They’re more likely to eat a lunch they helped plan.

2. Spend Quality Time in the Supermarket
Good eating habits begin at the grocery store. Tap into their adventurous side by allowing kids to scour the aisles to find items off a pre-made checklist, such as bread, their favorite Hormel® Natural Choice® deli meat, fruits, and vegetables.

3. Make It a Teachable Moment
Explain why you’re choosing whole-grain bread, buying fresh fruit instead of canned, or how protein helps support muscles to help kids understand the basics of nutrition.

4. Make Good Food Accessible
Keep healthy snacks like dried fruits and nuts in easy-to-reach places for a quick snack. For a more substantial choice, kids can also pile up folded slices of Hormel® Natural Choice® deli meats and cheese on crackers.

5. Think Kid-Size Portions
Don’t overwhelm kids by sending too much food. Small portions of cut-up apples, carrot sticks, and other fruits and vegetables will add just the right amount of variety.

6. Dial Up the Protein
Protein keeps you—and your kids—feeling full longer. Skip the jerky and choose healthier options like preservative-free Hormel® Natural Choice®.

7. Do the Math
Follow the 80/20 rule, which means 80 percent of the time, eat healthy, balanced meals and snacks, but allow 20 percent for those must-have indulgences like family pizza night and after-school ice cream.

8. Skip the Sugary Drinks
Pack water, natural juices, and low-fat milk instead of sugary sodas and fruit punches. For an extra special treat, send chocolate milk.


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