Martes, Hunyo 23, 2015

Just How Dirty Is Your Grill?

Should you politely decline a burger at the next summer BBQ?

Nothing says summer like the annual dusting off of your grill. You pull it out of the garage or sweep off the dirty tarp, kill whatever spiders have been making their home there, and then fire it up to eat whatever is cooked directly on those filthy grates. Ew. Now that you think about it, that doesn’t sound too appetizing, does it?

RELATED: 5 Delicious Foods You Didn’t Know You Could Grill

Grilling is one of the easiest and healthiest ways to cook—it adds a ton of flavor to foods but not much in the way of fat and calories. But it does seem kind of gross to throw food on top of old metal that's been sitting in your garage since last summer—or that tons of people have used in a public park.

Well, we have some good news for you: It’s not actually as bad for you as you might assume. The heat involved in grilling should rapidly destroy any microbes that grow on it between uses, says Steven A. Porcelli, M.D., chair of the department of microbiology and immunology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, “[thus] essentially sterilizing it before any food comes into contact with the surface.” Phew, good to know.

RELATED: 7 Fun New Hot Dog Topping Ideas

That being said, year-old burnt residue can still gross you out and put you off your dinner. Avoid that (literal) funky taste in your mouth by scraping off your grates with a grill brush or piece of aluminum foil if you’re in a pinch. Turn the grill on before you start cleaning if the gunk is really caked on; higher temps can help loosen up the buildup (just be sure to wear gloves or use tongs to protect your hands). For more healthy tips, check out our best grilling advice. Burgers and hot dogs, here you come!


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